Strategies To Help You Avoid Foreclosure

Strategies To Help You Avoid Foreclosure

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Avoid ForeclosureWhen the economy is in decline, the goal of many homeowners is to avoid foreclosure. Foreclosure is not a fun experience. It can be a traumatic incident for the entire family as you are forced to leave your home. One of the most common causes of foreclosure is the loss of a job which makes a person unable to pay their mortgage. In this situation, avoiding foreclosure is not an impossible thing to achieve. Many experts have indicated that the key to avoid foreclosure is your ingenuity and vigilance. There are several options that you have to keep your home and this article will discusses two of those options.


Avoid a notice of default

If you never receive a notice of default, then you can avoid foreclosure easier. Nobody will foreclose your property without a notice of default. Therefore, it is very important to keep timely mortgage payments. In order to make sure that you are protected, you should consider opening an insurance policy that will cover amortization payments for your home. The policy will cover your mortgage payment for a certain amount of time, usually around six months.

This protection is very helpful to maintain regular mortgage payments and avoid receiving a notice of default. This is useful especially if you just lost your job or are facing other emergency situations. You must never forget to make monthly payment to the insurance company. If you miss a payment your insurance will lapse and become useless. You may think that the extra monthly fee is a burden, but when the time comes, you will be grateful for the protection that you get.

Negotiate with your lender

On the other hand, if you do not have any debt insurance coverage, then you should try a different strategy. Do not be in despair even if you have received a notice from your lender. You should not avoid them, instead you have to contact them immediately. Negotiate with them and find out whether a new arrangement on your mortgage payment can be made. In many cases, lenders are willing to extend the payment terms allowing you to pay less of your monthly mortgage payment.

Many people ignore or even try to hide from the lender when they have received a notice. This will not solve the situation, but will make the situation even worse. It will be even harder to avoid foreclosure if you do this. What you need to understand is that lenders do not like to go through  the foreclosure process unless it is really necessary. Those lenders do business in lending money, not managing properties. Empty properties are a burden for them because they bring no profit whatsoever. Therefore, you should be genuine if you are really serious in avoiding foreclosure.”

Whenever you have decided what step you will take in order to avoid foreclosure, you must act fast. The lender has to wait for a period of time before he can start the procedure of selling your property but this time span varies from state to state. You need to know the norms of your state at first and should read all the brochures or hand outs available at your lenders office to get a clear idea on how to avoid foreclosure.

Additional Options To Avoid Foreclosure

If all else fails, and you find yourself in the foreclosure or pre-foreclosure process a final option may be to speak with a Real Estate Solutions Specialist. They can usually find creative ways to keep you out of debt and protect your credit score.

If you find yourself in this situation, visit us at to learn more about our Foreclosure services, or Here to learn how to Sell Your Home Fast!

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